Mortgage companies have lawyers. If you are seriously delinquent on your mortgage, then you need your own foreclosure defense lawyer. Once your mortgage company schedules a foreclosure auction, your options become more limited. Contact a lawyer as soon as you know you won’t be able to reinstate prior to foreclosure.

Foreclosure defense lawyer in Washington DC
In Washington DC, once you receive notice of the complaint for judicial foreclosure, the clock starts ticking. You have options, but many of them are available to you only if you act quickly. As soon as you receive notice that you are being sued for judicial foreclosure, contact a foreclosure defense attorney immediately. Missed deadlines can be fatal to your case.
Your options include mediation, modification, refinance, sale, surrender, and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Not all of these options are always available, but usually a homeowner has choices. We will help you assess your situation to determine the best course of action for you.
Foreclosure defense lawyer in Virginia
Foreclosure in Virginia can happen very quickly. While foreclosure in DC is judicial (and thus the lender must first sue you), foreclosure in Virginia is nonjudicial. That means that your mortgage company can simply file a notice of default then schedule a foreclosure auction. In Virginia, the only sure-fire way to stop a scheduled foreclosure auction is by filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Foreclosure defense lawyers and bankruptcy lawyers are basically synonymous in Virginia.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy stops foreclosure and allows you to propose a repayment plan. If confirmed by the court, your mortgage company must accept your modified payment schedule. Some homeowners are able to exit bankruptcy just a few months after they file because mortgage companies frequently offer modifications once a Chapter 13 repayment plan is confirmed.
Foreclosure defense lawyer in Maryland
Maryland foreclosure is very similar to Virginia because Maryland is also a nonjudicial foreclosure jurisdiction. Maryland foreclosures take slightly longer than Virginia foreclosures, but still happen much more quickly than foreclosures in Washington DC.
You have loss mitigation options if you default on your mortgage in Maryland, but those options narrow over time. Mortgage lenders in Maryland have no legal obligation to modify your mortgage, but if you attempt modification early, your chances are greatly improved. Maryland foreclosures can take as few as 60 days. When time is tight and an auction has been scheduled, you must stop the foreclosure by filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Call us now to talk to a foreclosure defense lawyer
Lee Legal has been representing homeowners facing foreclosure since 2004. We offer free consultations and will assess all of your options. Call us today if you need a foreclosure defense attorney.