Make the Most of Foreclosure Mediation in Washington DC

In order to foreclose in the District of Columbia, a mortgage lender must submit to mandatory foreclosure mediation. The District’s Foreclosure Mediation Program requires lenders to mediate in good faith with borrowers. Foreclosure litigation in DC offers several stages at which you can obtain a mortgage modification. Make the most of your foreclosure mediation in Washington […]
Should I File Bankruptcy or Divorce First?

Divorce can be messy. Bankruptcy cleans up messes. But whether you should file bankruptcy or divorce first depends on your specific circumstances. In some cases, filing bankruptcy before divorce makes sense. In other cases, filing bankruptcy before the finalization of a divorce and the division of property can be a big mistake. If your marriage is […]
Lee Legal Will Take Your Collection Calls

Creditors can be really annoying. Collection calls and correspondence can disrupt your life and cause unfortunate and unnecessary embarrassment. If you know that you’re about to file bankruptcy, you can relieve the pressure before you file. Lee Legal will take your collection calls up to two weeks before your bankruptcy filing. Bankruptcy stops collection efforts At the start […]
6 Reasons Why the IRS May Keep Your Tax Refund

On Friday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sent a gentle reminder to the nearly 40 million taxpayers who have yet to file their tax returns: do it now. Many people consider their tax refunds to be a sort of annual bonus. Here are the top 6 reasons why the IRS may keep your tax refund. […]
The Sweat of their Face: Portraying American Workers

I went to see an art and photographs installation at the National Portrait Gallery called The Sweat of their Face: Portraying American Workers. The sweat of their face(s) I was drawn in part to the exhibition’s subject matter. (The line for the Obama’s new portraits was also extraordinarily long.) I wanted to know if the […]
Open-File Litigation

At Lee Legal, we employ an open file litigation style. We believe the point of litigation should be to discover the truth. That maxim holds whether the case is settled, arbitrated, or tried by judge or jury. It also means that if there’s a relevant fact or precedent, we don’t hesitate to share it with counterparties. Our […]
Retain a Foreclosure Lawyer in DC from the Start

Retain a foreclosure lawyer in DC from the start of the foreclosure lawsuit. Not in the middle, not at the end. You may forfeit or waive many options if you do not participate actively in the litigation. Show that you’re engaged With counsel present, you show the court you’re actively engaged in the litigation. You […]
Not Every Financial Mistake Leads to Bankruptcy

It’s OK to make mistakes. After all, not every financial mistake leads to bankruptcy. Yet the converse is also true. Not every bankruptcy is caused by mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, but only the wise learn from them. You must allow yourself to learn from your mistakes. Unwillingness to admit to a mistake will invariably lead […]
Foreclosure Litigation: You Are Not Going to Get a Free House

Washington, D.C. is a judicial foreclosure jurisdiction, which means the lender must sue the homeowner in order to foreclose. Foreclosure litigation in D.C. can be brief, six months start to finish, or it can drag on for years. You may have defenses or even counterclaims against your lender. But several judges have told homeowners in […]