How to Graduate from College without Student Loan Debt

How to Graduate from College without Student Loan Debt -- Lee Legal DC VA MD

Graduating without student loan debt isn’t easy, but it can be done. Early legwork can make a big difference, and your credentials, transcripts, and SAT score all matter, as well. But if you can remain flexible with your expectations, you can graduate from college without student loan debt. Federal grants To obtain federal financial aid […]

Avoiding Bank Fees

Bank fees are a turn-off, and you should avoid them if you can. Shop around before you open a bank account and know what you’re talking about when you go into a branch. Here are the most commonly charged bank fees and how to avoid them. Overdraft transfer fee Banks offer “overdraft protection” ostensibly to […]

How to Refinance With a Foreclosure on Your Credit Report

How to Refinance With a Foreclosure on Your Credit Report -- Lee Legal -- Foreclosure Attorney DC MD VA

Whether you can refinance with a foreclosure on your credit report depends upon two factors: your loan terms and your mortgage lender. Negative credit events like foreclosure affect every credit decision made by lenders. A foreclosure will stay on your credit report for seven years. But many creditors look past previous foreclosures during the refinance application […]

How Much Will I Have to Pay in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

How Much Will I Have to Pay in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is sometimes called the “wage-earner’s bankruptcy.” The Chapter 13 Plan requires a monthly payment over a period of 36 to 60 months. Self-employed people cut a monthly check to the Chapter 13 trustee. People employed by companies get automatic deductions taken from their paychecks. When you file a Chapter 13, you are […]

Student Loans: The Only Type of Risk-Free Lending

Student Loans Are The Only Type of Risk-Free Lending -- Lee Legal -- DC VA MD

The only type of risk-free lending in the United States is student lending. Student loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy and can even survive your death. No other type of lender in America is afforded the same protections as student loan lenders. Student loans are not dischargeable in bankruptcy Lots of different types of debts […]

What Is Mortgage Reinstatement?

What Is Mortgage Reinstatement -- Lee Legal DC VA MD

Mortgage reinstatement is your first and best loss mitigation option when facing foreclosure. Mortgage reinstatement means catching up your missed mortgage payments, along with all associated late fees and charges. To reinstate, you must pay the full amount due and owing in a single lump sum.  Mortgage companies rarely accept reinstatement amounts less than the amount […]

How Do We Reverse Extreme Wealth Concentration?

How Do We Reverse Extreme Wealth Concentration

The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) published a white paper titled Billionaire Bonanza: The Forbes 400 and the Rest of Us. The IPS is a multi-issue think tank that has been conducting research on inequality for more than 20 years. The key takeaway from their study is that policymakers should be much more concerned with the question […]

What is a Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay?

Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay

In bankruptcy, a Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay (in short, an “MFRS”) is an attempt by a creditor to initiate or continue certain collection efforts. The Automatic Stay takes immediate effect in every bankruptcy case. The Automatic Stay prohibits creditors from undertaking any collection activities, including lawsuits, foreclosures, phone calls, garnishment, and repossession. A creditor may […]

Protect Your Tax Refund in Bankruptcy

If you are due a tax refund and file bankruptcy, you must take proactive steps to protect it. Asset protection is a big part of what bankruptcy lawyers do. If you want to protect your tax refund in bankruptcy, talk to an experienced bankruptcy lawyer. An income tax refund received after a bankruptcy is filed […]