The 6 Biggest Student Loan Debt Mistakes to Avoid

6 Student Loan Debt Mistakes to Avoid

About $84 billion of the approximately $1.37 trillion in student loan debt that Americans owe is in default. Increasingly, student loan borrowers are finding it too difficult to repay and are simply defaulting. From loan inception to repayment, here are 6 student loan debts mistakes to avoid. Taking out too much Getting an education is smart. But not […]

Can I Stop Foreclosure Without Filing Bankruptcy?

Can I Stop Foreclosure Without Filing Bankruptcy

Can you stop foreclosure without filing bankruptcy? The answer depends upon how far in default you are on your mortgage payments. If your mortgage company hasn’t yet scheduled a foreclosure auction, you may have options better than bankruptcy. But once an auction has been scheduled, in most cases you cannot stop foreclosure without filing bankruptcy. […]

Don’t Send Good Money After Bad

Don't Send Good Money After Bad -- Lee Legal

Don’t send good money after bad. Have you heard the phrase? It means spending even more money on an investment with the hope of recouping your original investment. Most of our clients feel their credit card purchases to be investments. From clothing and food and appliances to rental cars and educational expenses, most people use plastic […]

Getting Ahead in Northern Virginia is Not So Easy

Getting Ahead in Northern Virginia is Not So Easy

A new report, Getting Ahead: The Uneven Opportunity Landscape in Northern Virginia (November 28, 2017), shows why getting ahead in Northern Virginia is not so easy, especially if you live within the area’s many “islands of disadvantage.” The authors, from the Center on Society and Health and Northern Virginia Health Foundation, discuss several striking observations. […]

Your Best Foreclosure Defense is Persistence

Your Best Foreclosure Defense is Persistence

per · sis · tence 1. going on stubbornly or resolutely despite opposition or warning 2. insistent repetition of a question or opinion In Washington, D.C. you need both of these definitions to put forth a strong foreclosure defense. Your best foreclosure defense is persistence. Go on resolutely The plaintiff may file several motions against you […]

Spend Time, Not Money, During the Holidays

Spend Time, Not Money, During the Holidays This Year -- Lee Legal

Increasingly, Americans are experiencing time famine, the feeling of having too much to do and not enough time to do it. Life is so fast-paced now. The feeling of not having enough time can drastically affect your level of happiness. In turn, your personal connections with the people whom you hold most dear can be compromised. […]

Bankruptcy Could Help You Keep Your Security Clearance

Bankruptcy Could Help You Keep Your Security Clearance -- Lee Legal -- DC VA MD

All security clearance levels are subject to periodic reinvestigation. Confidential clearances require renewal every 15 years, Secret requires every 10 years, and Top Secret requires reinvestigation every 5 years. Bankruptcy will definitely affect your initial security clearance review and, in some cases, can present a hurdle. But if you already have a security clearance and […]

4 Tips to Protect Yourself from Credit Fraud

The recent Equifax breach has left 145.5 million Americans facing a lifetime of higher risk for credit fraud. All Americans should now assume that their most sensitive financial data has been compromised. Here are 4 tips to protect yourself from credit fraud. 1. Freeze your credit file. The very best way to protect yourself from […]

Feds Sue the Nation’s Largest Debt Settlement Company

Feds Sue Nation's Largest Debt Settlement Company

On November 8, 2017, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) sued the nation’s largest debt settlement company, Freedom Debt Relief, part of the Freedom Financial Network. According to the CFPB, Freedom deceives consumers by charging them without without settling their debts as promised. Freedom instead expects its customers negotiate their own settlements, misleads them about […]