Top 4 Tax Problems in Bankruptcy

Top 4 Tax Problems in Bankruptcy

The top 4 tax problems in bankruptcy are not particularly easy to avoid. For those facing money problems, taxes are often an afterthought. After all, paying taxes means less money in your paycheck. But the tax problems that most frequently occur in bankruptcy are actually violations of intuitive rules. Tax Problems in Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 […]

Does Foreclosure Terminate a Lease?

Does Foreclosure Terminate a Lease

If you rent your home and your landlord is in foreclosure, you are fully justified in wanting to know: Does foreclosure terminate a lease? You may have an excellent relationship with your landlord, but if your landlord is in foreclosure, watch out. Legal ownership of your home will transfer to a new landlord once the […]

Can Foreclosure Be Stopped Without Filing for Bankruptcy?

Can Foreclosure Be Stopped Without Filing for Bankruptcy?

If you’re facing foreclosure proceedings, bankruptcy may be the last thing on your mind. But you should consider bankruptcy both your first option — and your last — if you are in foreclosure. One question I get asked all the time: Can Foreclosure Be Stopped Without Filing for Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy Stops Foreclosure Proceedings Chapter 13 […]

The Fake News About Bankruptcy

fake news about bankruptcy | Lee Legal

Last week, Donald Trump declared that the “FAKE NEWS media . . . is the enemy of the American People!” There’s a lot of fake news flying around today. Here’s some of the fake news about bankruptcy. FAKE NEWS: President Donald Trump has declared bankruptcy multiple times. FACT: Donald Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy. If you […]

The Steep Cost of Debt Settlement Companies

The Steep Cost of Debt Settlement Companies

The cost of debt settlement companies is steep, too steep. Debt settlement companies trash your credit and increase your tax liability. And in most cases, debt settlement companies will fail to settle a single debt on your behalf. Here’s why I believe debt settlement companies are a very poor choice for most people. The Cash Cost […]

My Loan Modification Was Denied. Now What?

My Loan Modification Was Denied-- Now What?

If your loan modification was denied, you may still have options. If you intend to keep your home and are willing to put in the extra work, then you may still be able to obtain a modification. Here’s what to do if your mortgage modification was denied. Read the Denial Letter Understand fully why your loan […]

How Your Credit Score is Calculated

How Your Credit Score is Calculated

Your credit score is calculated using the “FICO Five” factors: payment history, credit balances, length of history, credit mix, and new credit. Instead of having a single credit score, however, you actually have three. Each of the the three major credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion) compile their own separate credit scores. Yet every credit […]

Is There a Statute of Limitations on Student Loans?

Is There a Statute of Limitations on Student Loans?

A statute of limitations sets the maximum time after you default on a debt within which the creditor can sue you. Statutes of limitations protect defendants from plaintiffs who do not pursue legal actions with reasonable diligence. The Department of Education recently found that more than 40% of borrowers have stopped making payments on their federal […]

Five Ways Debt Can Wreck Your Marriage

Five Ways Debt Can Wreck Your Marriage

Maintaining a good relationship with your spouse requires work. Hard work. Remaining emotionally connected to your spouse while coordinating the logistics of your daily lives involves true commitment, selflessness, and sacrifice. Debt should not come between you and your spouse. Here are five ways debt can wreck your marriage. 1. Keeping Secrets According to a recent survey, as […]