What To Do When You Get Sued

You cannot prevent a plaintiff from suing you. The case may have no merit, and the plaintiff may even be guilty of abuse of process. But you cannot avoid litigation if the plaintiff names you as a defendant. Here’s what to do when you get sued. Don’t Freak Out Maybe you were expecting a lawsuit. […]
Where do I mail my Chapter 13 Plan payment in DC, MD and VA?

Once your Chapter 13 bankruptcy has been filed, you will make your Chapter 13 Plan payments directly to the trustee for several months. Your first Plan payment must be made no later than 30 days from the date that your case is filed. Once your Plan has been confirmed, usually three to five months later, […]
Will Foreclosure Affect My Spouse’s Credit?

When facing foreclosure, wanting to protect your spouse is a natural instinct. Whether your foreclosure will affect your spouse depends upon whether the mortgage loan was a joint debt. Going through a foreclosure is never easy. But a foreclosure is even more stressful when it affects loved ones, especially a spouse. Love makes you ask yourself the question: […]
What Does It Mean When a Debt is Charged Off?

Many people experience a feeling of relief when they see on their credit reports that an old debt has been marked as “Charged Off.” Some think that these debts have been forgiven because a creditor has charged off the debt. But what exactly does it mean when a debt is charged off? You Still Owe […]
Bankruptcy Stops Eviction — Unless There’s an Eviction Order

If you are behind on your rent, bankruptcy may a good option for you. In many situations, Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code (the Automatic Stay) can stop your landlord from continuing eviction proceedings. In fact, bankruptcy stops eviction in almost every case, but not all. If your landlord has obtained a writ of possession, […]
Top 5 Ways to Bounce Back After a Foreclosure

A foreclosure stays on your credit for seven years. But the effects of foreclosure on your credit immediately start to diminish once the foreclosure has been completed. The same isn’t true for people. Losing a home is tough. Here are the Top 5 Ways to Bounce Back After a Foreclosure. 1. Find the Right Place to Live […]
Good Credit is So Important

Do you want to buy a home? Maybe you want to rent? Do you want to buy a car? Or a boat, or a wedding ring? Do you want to borrow some money and make improvements to your home? Or would you like to start a business? You will need good credit to do all of […]
What Happens to Student Loans in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Student loans remain valid debts after discharge in either Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. However, paying your student loans in Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you some breathing room to pay your other debts. What Is Chapter 13? Chapter 13 bankruptcy is sometimes called the “wage-earner’s bankruptcy.” Many people who do not qualify for Chapter […]
Top 5 Worst Debt Collection Defenses

Good debt collection defenses flow from the specific circumstances of the debt. Bad debt collection defenses merely delay the lawsuit without changing its outcome. And the worst debt collection defenses are irrelevant, waste the court’s time, and possibly add costs and fees to your balance. Here are the Top 5 Worst Debt Collection Defenses. I Can’t Afford to […]