Sometimes Being Right Isn’t Enough

sometimes being right isn't enough

You know you’re right. The other person knows you’re right. Every reasonable person with an objective perspective on the facts would agree: “You’re absolutely right!” Unfortunately, sometimes being right isn’t enough. Some people are really stubborn. Some people just don’t like to admit they’re wrong. Others don’t want to have to pay money if they think they can worm […]

Key Takeaways from Bank of America’s 2016 Survey of the Wealthy

Bank of America's 2016 Survey of the Wealthy

Bank of America’s 2016 Insights on Wealth and Worth survey of the wealthy contains some very interesting findings. The survey studies the attitudes and behavior of wealthy and very wealthy adults in the United States. U.S. Trust, which operates as a division of Bank of America Private Wealth Management, has been surveying the perspective of the wealthy […]

Help Me to Help You

As a bankruptcy lawyer serving the Washington D.C. area, I have helped hundreds of businesses and individuals seeking debt relief. Most of my clients are a pleasure to serve, but sometimes communications issues arise. Here are some ways that you can help your bankruptcy attorney to advance your case. Help me to help you with these simple key communication […]

The Bankruptcy Discharge Before Christmas

The Bankruptcy Discharge Before Christmas -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD

If you file your Chapter 7 bankruptcy within the next three weeks, you will get your bankruptcy discharge before Christmas. Start your new year off right and get straight with your finances. This holiday season, give yourself the gift of a debt-free life. Most Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases take three months from start to finish. About […]

6 Tips to Rebound from Bankruptcy

rebound from bankruptcy

When you file for bankruptcy, you’re giving yourself a financial fresh start. Bankruptcy allows you to easily free yourself from debts you have no realistic ability to repay. Although there are many positive benefits from bankruptcy, your credit will still also take a hit. Before you even file, you should think about the proactive steps you can […]

Can a Debt Collector Message Me on Facebook?

Can a Debt Collector Message Me on Facebook?

If you are being pressured to pay a debt, you know that collection agents can be relentless. A collection agency may be constantly bombarding you with demands for payment. Letters, phone calls, and . . . Facebook? That’s right. Social media makes it even easier for debt collectors to find and pursue you. Over the last few weeks, […]

American Employees: Consumers or Costs?

The American Employee -- Consumers or Costs - wages v. profits

Henry Blodget, CEO of business news site Business Insider, recently published a blog titled Time for a Better Capitalism. The article examines how U.S. corporations think of American employees as “costs,” instead of as consumers. Blodget claims that shift has, over time, fundamentally changed American capitalism. By paying good wages, investing in future products, and generating reasonable (not “maximized”) […]

Will I Owe Money After Foreclosure?

Will I Owe Money After Foreclosure

Many people who call our office want to save their homes from foreclosure. In other cases, a foreclosure has already taken place. There are many different reasons why a foreclosure may be scheduled, ranging from market conditions to change in homeowner circumstances. One of the lingering effects of the foreclosure crisis is the rise of the deficiency […]

How Much Does Bankruptcy Cost?

How Much Does Bankruptcy Cost?

There are three main chapters of bankruptcy for individuals, and all three have different bankruptcy costs and fees. Your total bankruptcy cost includes both court filing fees, which are an administrative requirement, and legal fees, which are paid to your attorney. If you’re having difficulty making ends meet, it’s natural to wonder: Just how much does bankruptcy cost? Chapter 7 […]