How to Write a Financial Hardship Letter

This article addresses how to write a financial hardship letter for loss mitigation, whether you’re seeking a modification, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, or short sale. If you fall behind on your mortgage, you will have to submit a lost mitigation package to avoid foreclosure. Part of the loss mitigation package is the financial hardship letter (or “letter […]

It is Time to Change DC’s Contributory Negligence Law

District of Columbia tort law is governed by the legal doctrine of contributory negligence. Under comparative negligence, a plaintiff can be completely barred from recovering damages if the plaintiff was 1% at fault for causing his or her own injuries. Contributory negligence leads to unfair results, and it is time to change DC’s contributory negligence […]

5 Tips to Protect Your Identity

Identity theft is a serious issue. In 2016, identity thieves stole $16 billion from 15.4 million U.S. consumers. Here are 5 tips to protect your identity. Get your credit report at least once a year. The best thing you can do to protect your identity is to obtain and review your credit report. You can […]

Student Loans Jeopardize Retirement for Older Americans

Retirement is supposed to be a time to leave behind the hassles and stress of the workforce. In many ways, retirement is the reward for a lifetime’s contribution to the economy and country. We usually consider student loans to be a problem for the young. But today’s retirees increasingly face crushing student loan burdens. Believe […]

Happy Equal Pay Day from Lee Legal

The United States celebrates Equal Pay Day today. The purpose of the day, which was first observed in 1996, is to mark how long women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. On average, a woman in the United States must work about four extra months each year to earn the […]



Choosing the right bankruptcy attorney in Washington, D.C. is critical to the success of your case. Lee Legal will make the process as easy for you as possible.



If you are in preforeclosure or want to stop a foreclosure auction in Washington D.C., Maryland, or Virginia, you must act quickly to protect your rights.



Lee Legal provides effective, aggressive civil litigation representation, for plaintiffs and defendants alike, in business matters, debt cases, and breach of contract.



From personal finance to debt collection to income inequality, Lee Legal keeps an eye on the economy from a bird’s eye view so you benefit from our breadth of experience.