Can I Keep My Car If I File for Bankruptcy?


Most people need a car, either to get to work, to shop for groceries, to haul the kids around. If you live in Maryland or Virginia, you need a car, though less so if you live in DC. One of the questions I get asked all the time is, “Can I keep my car if […]

Beware of Offers to Modify Your Mortgage for a Fee

Since the subprime mortgage meltdown of December 2007 to June 2009, mortgage modifications have saved many homeowners from foreclosure. Yet many illegitimate companies and individuals have preyed on people seeking modifications. My advice to you is to beware of offers to modify your mortgage for a fee. On February 17, 2016, a federal grand jury […]

When Should You File for Bankruptcy?

If you’ve been holding off filing bankruptcy, there are some clear indicators of when you should actually throw in the towel. When should you file for bankruptcy? Lee Legal offers free consultations to both businesses and individuals who are weighing their options. When Should You File for Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is not appropriate for every situation. […]

Bridging the Economic Divide

In the United States today, economic opportunity remains sharply divided along racial and ethnic lines. President Obama has declared bridging the economic divide to be “the defining challenge of our time.” So why does an immense wealth gap persist in America, especially for American minorities? On February 10, 2016, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen testified […]

Can I Get My Home Back After Foreclosure?

Clients frequently call our office to ask whether a foreclosure auction can be reversed. I often get asked, “Can I get my home back after foreclosure?” The foreclosure rate across the Washington, D.C. metro area has dropped considerably since the housing bust. After peaking at 3.6% in January 2011, the foreclosure rate currently stands at […]

Building Credit After Filing Bankruptcy

If you’ve filed for bankruptcy, then you’ve made the decision to give yourself a fresh start and free yourself from crushing debt. You’ve made the decision to reduce the stress in your life. You have decided to get a fresh start. Serving clients from all over the Washington D.C. region, Lee Legal specializes in helping […]

Zombie Foreclosures Can Eat Into Your Home Value

A “zombie foreclosure” is a property where the homeowner moves out after foreclosure has been started, but for some reason the foreclosure auction gets cancelled and title is never legally transferred to a new owner. So title to the property remains in the homeowner’s name but the property remains vacant. Zombie foreclosures were one of […]

How Bankruptcy Prevents Foreclosure

How Bankruptcy Prevents Foreclosure -- Lee Legal -- DC VA MD foreclosure defense lawyer

Though most people automatically associate the word “bankruptcy” with disaster, fortunately that’s just not true. Bankruptcy can actually help prevent a debt-related catastrophe like foreclosure. And a good bankruptcy attorney will be there with you through every step of the process. Read on to learn how bankruptcy prevents foreclosure. Foreclosure filings — default notices, scheduled auctions […]

Half of Americans Have No Money in Their Savings Account

Half of Americans Have No Money in Their Savings Account

A recent survey reveals some alarming news. Half of Americans have no money in their savings account or even no savings at all. In a Google Consumer Survey, 49 percent of Americans reported they have no cash reserve. 62 percent reported having less than $1,000 dollars in the bank. The survey also found that 21 percent […]