Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: How Much Does it Cost?

Chapter 7 is a quick and easy way of discharging your debt. But Chapter 7 doesn’t solve secured creditor problems and is unavailable to higher income debtors. You will want to use a Chapter 13 bankruptcy to restructure your debt if Chapter 7 won’t work for you. If you’re considering filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in […]
How to Stop a Foreclosure in Alexandria Virginia

When you fall behind on your house payments, the mortgage lender will move forward with foreclosure. In Arlington and Alexandria in Virginia, your lender will take all of the necessary steps to seize and sell your home in order to repay the debt balance that you owe. Once the foreclosure process starts, it can be […]
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: How Much Does it Cost?

So how much does bankruptcy cost? When you seek bankruptcy protection under chapter 7 in Washington, DC, you are obviously in debt trouble. Not only that, but chapter 7 is also means tested, which means that you must have low-income by definition. Unfortunately, despite the fact that you are already facing serious financial problems, there […]
Business Bankruptcy: Personal Assets in a Chapter 7 Liquidation

If your business has significant debt, bankruptcy may be the solution. Businesses can file for bankruptcy protection under both Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. Both provide effective but very different protections from creditors. In some cases, business bankruptcy can involve the personal assets in a Chapter 7 liquidation. You may want […]
Grandparents or Parents Cosigning for Kids

Parents and grandparents want to do everything possible to have younger family members succeed in life. In many cases, this means helping them financially. Sometimes, however, you can get yourself into personal financial trouble by cosigning for kids on loans. The risks associated with cosigning can be high. So be sure that you have a […]
How Come I Have to Pay Back Creditors If I Filed Bankruptcy?

Filing bankruptcy gives you immediate relief from debt. But not every person who files for bankruptcy qualifies for Chapter 7 liquidation. In many cases, you make too much income to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Under those circumstances, you should consider filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. In a Chapter 13 you wind up needing to pay back […]
Happy New Year! Time to Take a Fresh Look at Your Budget

Happy New Year from Lee Legal! Right now is the time to take a hard look at your budget. On January 1, all of your personal financial numbers are zero. Your year-to-date income, fixed expenses, and discretionary spending are all zero. Now is the perfect time to make any changes to your budget for the […]
How Do I Save My Home From Foreclosure in Washington DC?

If you fall behind on your mortgage, you may find yourself asking: How do I save my home from foreclosure? Whether you want to keep your house or whether you simply want to avoid the damage a foreclosure does to your credit, you should explore alternatives to having a lender foreclose. An experienced Washington DC […]
Foreclosure vs. Mortgage Modification in Alexandria, Virginia

If you are unable to make your house payments based on the current terms of your mortgage loan, you may be facing foreclosure. Foreclosure is not something that you ever want to happen, both because of the loss of your house and because of the damage to your credit. If you do not wish to […]