Can Student Loans in DC Be Discharged through Bankruptcy?

Today, one of the biggest debt problems that many people face is student loan debt. According to American Student Assistance, around 60 percent of college students — or 12 million college students each year — borrow money to cover the costs of attending school. Washington, D.C. has the most student debt in the nation. So can […]

Can I Keep My Car If I File Bankruptcy?

Chapter 7 Car Loan in Virginia -- Can I Keep My Car If I File Bankruptcy -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD

Bankruptcy provides an important opportunity to eliminate debts that you are struggling with and cannot pay. However, many people are reluctant to consider bankruptcy even when filing makes sense. This reluctance can stem from serious concerns about having to give up essential possessions such as your car. I frequently answer the question: Can I Keep My […]

Do Not Be Like Detroit

Do Not Be Like Detroit

On July 18, 2013, the city of Detroit filed for protection under Chapter 9 of the Bankruptcy Code. Major legal brawls are now in the works for the nation’s 18th largest city, its 9,500 employees, and nearly 20,000 retirees drawing pensions. Most consumer bankruptcy cases are a lot less complex than the bankruptcy for a […]

What is a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

What is a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD bankruptcy lawyer

Chapter 13 bankruptcy solves a lot of problems that the other chapters of the Bankruptcy Code cannot. When you get into trouble with debt and are not able to pay your bills, consider seeking bankruptcy protection. As an individual consumer, there are several different kinds of bankruptcy that you can file. These types of bankruptcy […]

Bankruptcy Could Save Your Home

Bankruptcy Could Save Your Home

If you are coping with foreclosure, bankruptcy could save your home. While bankruptcy might not just make your mortgage go away, if you want to keep your home, bankruptcy gives you options. Whether or not you’re facing foreclosure, bankruptcy could make your home both more affordable and more valuable. You have other options besides bankruptcy, […]

What is a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

What is a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD bankruptcy attorney

Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows you to quickly and easily get out from under debts that are unmanageable and that you cannot pay back. When you get into trouble with debt and are not able to pay your bills, consider seeking bankruptcy protection. As an individual consumer, there are several different kinds of bankruptcy that you […]

What is the Difference Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13?

What is the Difference Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13?

The two most common types of bankruptcy filed by individuals are Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Both of these chapters of bankruptcy can resolve your debts. As a bankruptcy lawyer, I get asked all the time: what is the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy? Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Chapter 7 bankruptcy […]

Feds Investigating Banks for Debt Collection Abuse

Feds Investigating Banks for Debt Collection Abuse

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency will investigate banks for filing hundreds of thousands of abusive debt collection lawsuits. In many cases, debt buyers use shoddy records or flimsy affidavits in support of these lawsuits. According to the Washington Post, a probe of JPMorgan Chase that started in 2011 will be expanded to […]

Debt Collection Companies and Negotiating Debts

Debt Collection Companies and Negotiating Debts -- Lee Legal -- DC-VA-MD

Many of my clients get debt collection calls and and debt demand letters, and many of these calls and letters come from just a few debt collection agencies. All of the big banks contract out their default and delinquent accounts to a relatively small number of large debt collectors. If you are sued on a […]