Homeowners Association Fees in Bankruptcy

Homeowners Association Fees in Bankruptcy

Even if you file bankruptcy and surrender your home, in some cases, your homeowners association can still pursue you for unpaid dues. In Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia, homeowners associations have a “superpriority” for unpaid dues. Up until title to the home is actually transferred, you will still owe HOA or condo fees. So what […]

Be Prepared When the Collection Agent Calls

When the Collection Agent Calls

When the collection agent calls, be prepared. Thanks to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you don’t have to take abuse just because you owe a debt. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) strictly prohibits debt collectors from using abusive, unfair, or deceptive practices. The FDCPA defines a debt collector as someone who regularly collects […]

$1.1M to Settle an $8K Credit Card Debt?


With the Credit CARD Act of 2009, Congress enacted the most sweeping changes in credit card laws in decades. The majority of consumer protections kicked in on February 22, 2010. Now credit card companies are required to divulge how many months it will take to pay off a balance if only minimum payments are made. […]

What is a Proof of Claim in Bankruptcy?

The Bankruptcy Proof of Claim -- Lee Legal -- DC VA MD Bankruptcy Attorney

In bankruptcy, a Proof of Claim is a creditor’s written statement detailing the creditor’s claim against the debtor. A Proof of Claim is usually filed in Chapter 13 cases. But Proofs of Claim are sometimes filed in Chapter 11 and Chapter 7 cases, as well. Why file a Proof of Claim? A creditor may be […]

Bankruptcy Conversion from Chapter 13 to Chapter 7

Bankruptcy Conversion from Chapter 13 to Chapter 7 -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD Bankruptcy Lawyer

If you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, then you are legally entitled to a bankruptcy discharge of all eligible debts. On the other hand, in Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you propose to repay some pre-arranged portion of your debt. Under certain circumstances, conversion from Chapter 13 to Chapter 7 is appropriate. Conversion from Chapter 13 to […]

Stop Foreclosure in Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland

Stop Foreclosure in Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland

Lee Legal assists real estate agents representing sellers who are facing foreclosure. We stop foreclosure in Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland. We work with realtors to ensure a smooth sale outside of the foreclosure process. When a Seller is Facing Foreclosure Often realtors are approached by sellers who have lots of equity in their homes, […]

What is the Bankruptcy Discharge?

What is the Bankruptcy Discharge?

What is the Bankruptcy Discharge? Usually, the whole reason to declare bankruptcy is to obtain the bankruptcy discharge. Once you have received your discharge in bankruptcy, no discharged creditor can take any enforcement action against you, ever. In other words, the discharge order forever prohibits any type of collection effort against you for a discharged […]

The Automatic Stay Immediately Stops All Creditor Activity

The Automatic Stay Immediately Stops All Creditor Activity

If you are considering filing bankruptcy in Virginia, Maryland, or Washington, D.C., you should be aware of a nifty feature of the Bankruptcy Code called the Automatic Stay. Whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, the Automatic Stay directs your creditors to cease all collection activities immediately or face court sanction. In short, […]

A Short Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms

A Short Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms -- Lee Legal -- DC MD VA

Here is a short glossary of essential bankruptcy terms. Many definitions are not included. Do not attempt to manipulate concepts you do not fully understand. Call an attorney if you have a legal problem. Bankruptcy terms: A – C Adversary Proceeding: A lawsuit related to a bankruptcy case and commenced by filing a complaint with […]