Pay Down Debt While Saving for Retirement

Pay Down Debt While Saving for Retirement -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD

For many people, debt is the main factor preventing us from achieving our financial goals – without even including retirement savings. However, retirement cannot be left out if we are to be able to retire comfortably and securely when the time comes. 40 percent of retirees say that paying off debt is a current financial […]

Will Unpaid Student Loans Affect My Credit Score?

Will Unpaid Student Loans Affect My Credit Score -- LEE LEGAL -- MD VA DC bankruptcy lawyer

As of 2024, total student loan debt in the U.S. has reached $1.75 trillion in total student loan debt, including federal and private loans. The average student borrower graduates with about $29,000 in student loans on average. The number of college students taking out loans has tripled in just the last decade. Yet most students […]

Foreclosure Assistance in DC, Maryland and Virginia

Foreclosure Assistance in DC, Maryland and Virginia - LEE LEGAL

Seek foreclosure assistance if you are facing a foreclosure auction in DC, Maryland or Virginia. If you want to keep your home, act fast while you still have options. Stop the foreclosure process In some cases, it makes sense to allow a foreclosure auction to take place. If you no longer want to keep the […]

The Holidays Are Over, Now Get Rid of Your Debt

The Holidays Are Over, Now Get Rid of Your Debt -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD

So you got that little something you wanted and you ate too many sweets. And maybe you were a bit too generous this year. But now Christmas is over. You saw the ball the drop, and it’s a entirely new year. The holidays are over, now get rid of your debt. Make becoming debt-free your […]

Surviving Furlough During the Government Shutdown

Surviving Furlough -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD

The first known use of the word “furlough” dates to 1631. The word is from the Dutch word “vorloffe,” meaning “permission” or literally “for leave.” The modern non-military definition of furlough is “a period of time when an employee is told not to come to work and is not paid.” Since 1976, there have been […]

Top 5 Foreclosure Defenses in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, DC

Top 5 Foreclosure Defenses -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD foreclosure attorney

If your mortgage company forecloses, you may have defenses. Virginia and Maryland are nonjudicial foreclosure jurisdictions, which means you must sue the mortgage company to raise these defenses. But the District of Columbia is a judicial foreclosure jurisdiction. In DC, you can raise these defenses in your Answer to the Complaint for Judicial Foreclosure. Here […]

Don’t Wait Until You Hit Rock Bottom to File Bankruptcy

Don’t Wait Until You Hit Rock Bottom to File Bankruptcy -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD

You don’t have to be penniless to file bankruptcy. You don’t have to have your back against the wall. And you don’t have to lose everything to get a financial fresh start. Don’t wait until you hit rock bottom to file bankruptcy.  Don’t deplete your savings trying to avoid bankruptcy 57 percent of Americans have less […]

Be Tough, Not Uncivil

Be Tough, Not Uncivil -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD litigation attorney

Litigation isn’t for the weak of heart. Opposing counsel will seek any advantage to exploit, and a case can be won or lost by small margins. But you do not need to be rude when litigating a case. You must be tough, not uncivil. Let the facts rule Get your story straight and let the […]

Avoid Debt This Holiday Season

Avoid Debt This Holiday Season PIC

We don’t have to incur debt every holiday. Here are some tips that will allow you to avoid debt this holiday season without later financial regret. Budget Make your budget realistic and relative to you. Excluding this factor will decrease your chances of calculating a healthy budget. Approach this by remembering your past holiday spending, […]