Inequality for All

Inequality for All -- Wage Growth

Playing right now on Netflix is the 2013 documentary film Inequality for All starring Robert Reich, who was Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton. Throughout the film, Reich challenges the specious notions that everything the government does is bad and that everything that the market does is good. The rich spend too little Reich walks us through how Wall Street […]

How to Settle a Debt If You Get Sued

How to Settle a Debt If You Get Sued -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD debt settlement attorney

In most cases, you can settle a debt if you get sued. But you must go about it in the right way. You may have legitimate defenses, in which case you should strenuously exert them. If you do not dispute that you owe the debt, however, then you should attempt to settle the debt. Debt […]

How Long Does Bankruptcy Take?

How Long Does Bankruptcy Take -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD

How long does bankruptcy take? That depends on whether you file a Chapter 7, Chapter 13, or Chapter 11. Chapter 7 bankruptcy How long your Chapter 7 bankruptcy will take depends upon whether you have assets to distribute. Most Chapter 7 cases are completed quite quickly. But if you have unexempt assets, your Chapter 7 […]

States Should Impose Foreclosure Deadlines on Mortgage Lenders

States Should Impose Foreclosure Deadlines on Mortgage Lenders -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD Foreclosure Prevention Attorney

Individual states should impose foreclosure deadlines on mortgage lenders. Forcing lenders to foreclose within specific timelines would solve several problems facing individual homeowners as well as entire neighborhoods. States must individually legislate changes to foreclosure procedures because foreclosures are governed by state law. Federal law can impose reforms, but states must implement them. The most […]

On Deck Capital Lawsuits in Arlington General District Court

Titan Asset Purchasing Lawsuits in Arlington Circuit Court -- Lee Legal -- DC VA MD debt defense lawyer

Last week, On Deck Capital continued its onslaught of lawsuits in Arlington General District Court. On Deck Capital provides loans to small businesses. Its loan agreements contain “choice of venue” clauses providing for litigation in Arlington GDC. On Deck Capital also requires small business owners to personally guarantee its loans. So when On Deck sues a […]

How to Build an Emergency Savings Fund

How to Build an Emergency Savings Fund -- LEE LEGAL -- DC VA MD

A recent study found that 57 percent of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings, while 69 percent have less than $5,000. That’s not enough to get you through an emergency. Here’s how to build an emergency savings fund. Emergency savings promote financial well-being No one knows for certain what tomorrow will bring. But we can […]

How to Recover from Foreclosure

How to Recover from Foreclosure in DC VA MD -- Lee Legal -- Foreclosure Lawyer

Facing foreclosure on your home can be one of life’s biggest challenges. You have options if you want to save your home, but sometimes allowing the foreclosure to take place is your best option. If you have to let go of your home, here’s how to recover from foreclosure. Settle in and settle down Lots […]

Don’t Be Afraid to Call Us

Don't Be Afraid to Call Lee Legal -- You Have Nothing to Lose Except Your Debt

Putting off a bankruptcy consultation when it could do you world of good makes no sense. Take the time to get the full picture and figure out where you stand. Lee Legal offers a free personal financial analysis to every new client. Don’t be afraid to call. We don’t bite and we don’t judge. Don’t […]

Alexandria Bankruptcy Trustee’s Office Relocates

Alexandria Bankruptcy Trustee's Office Relocates Next Door to Lee Legal

Every bankruptcy Meeting of Creditors in Alexandria, Virginia is held in the Alexandria Bankruptcy Trustee’s Office. As of today, the United States Trustee’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia has relocated to a new location. Here is the U.S. Trustee’s Office new address for every Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy meeting of creditors: […]