How to Feed Your Piggy Bank When Your Paycheck is Lean

Do you remember the moment when you ripped open your first paycheck and saw the harsh reality that it’s just not enough money? Learning the difference between gross and net pay, setting up a budget to cover bills, finding ways to curb expenses. All of these are jarring lessons in “adulting.” Just as important is […]
How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

Americans love to eat. Each person with an annual income of $75,000 spends nearly $8,000 a year on food and alcohol, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Living on a tight budget, doesn’t have to mean a life of ramen noodles and the unidentifiable meat product rolling around in the 7-11 hot tray. You […]
What Happens to My Debts When I Die?

When planning a future for your loved ones, you do not want your legacy to include a mountain of debt. Many people are unaware that their debts can continue to haunt those they leave behind. Whoever you select to manage your estate will serve as the “executor,” and that person is responsible for probate, the […]