Lee Legal Will Fight Your Foreclosure

Real estate is usually the most valuable asset that people own. When your home is on the line, do not attempt to litigate a foreclosure on your own. Lee Legal will fight your foreclosure for you. If you are facing foreclosure, you have options, but you must act quickly. Simply allowing a foreclosure to happen […]
If You Have to File Bankruptcy, Do It Immediately

If you have to file bankruptcy, do it immediately. The longer you delay, the more you’re going to pay. You’ll pay more for attorneys fees because your problems will become more complicated. And your credit score will pay a heavy price if you delay filing bankruptcy when you know you have to file. In less […]
What’s So Great About Stuff, Anyway?

Money can’t buy happiness, but it can put a smile on your face. Everybody needs things, everyone needs stuff. What separates us from the other animals is our ability to use things to make our lives easier and more comfortable. But how much stuff is too much stuff? Do we need to keep buying, consuming, […]
Call from a Debt Collector? Know Your Rights.

If you’re getting calls from debt collectors, you might have several issues going on in your life. You probably don’t have a lot of time to talk to a stranger trying to get you to pay them money. Or you might have all the time in the world but no money to give. If you […]
Getting a New Mortgage After a Foreclosure

Getting a new mortgage after a foreclosure can be challenging under certain circumstances. But if you want to buy another home, take heart because it is possible. Generally speaking, you will not be able to obtain a mortgage sooner than two years of a foreclosure. But you will be able to get another mortgage after […]
When You Should NOT File for Bankruptcy

Only bankruptcy will solve certain financial problems. Bankruptcy remains the first and best choice for many common cash-flow and debt issues. Avoiding bankruptcy when it is the smart course of action often does nothing more than make for more difficult outcomes. But there are certain circumstances under which you should NOT file for bankruptcy. If […]
Big Change to Virginia Landlord and Tenant Law

On July 1, 2017, a new law takes effect that represents a big change to Virginia landlord and tenant law. The law specifically affects tenants with landlords in foreclosure. Now leases terminate upon foreclosure. This is a big change and will affect many renters in Virginia. I have written (Does Foreclosure Terminate a Lease?) on […]
DC Seeks to Rebalance Landlord-Tenant Rights

In two new pieces of proposed legislation, the D.C. Council is seeking to balance the rights of landlords and tenants in the District. Both bills have merit and seek to address different disparities in landlord-tenant rights in D.C. In tandem, the Expanding Access to Justice Act of 2017 and TOPA Accessory Dwelling Unit Act of […]
Is Bankruptcy the Best Option For Me?

There are times when a person has no choice but to declare bankruptcy, and the decision to file will not be a very challenging one at all. However, bankruptcy considerations are often accompanied by emotional stress and strain on personal relationships. Your life is not a theoretical situation. You must ask yourself: Is bankruptcy the […]